8 Reading data

Requisite to any data analysis is the data. Making those data available for you to analyse is not always the easiest of tasks. In this chapter we will review how data are imported and some of the formats they may take. Once we complete this chapter we will get going on our very first analaysis!

8.1 Background

There are three general sources where we as social scientists will receive or access data: 1) text files, 2) databases, and 3) application programming interfaces (APIs). Frankly, though this is the age of “big data,” we are not always able to interface directly with these sources. But through partnerships between the public and private we often receive shared data. For example, BARI’s work with the Boston Police Department provides them with annual access to crime data. But BARI’s access is limited. They do not have credentials to log in to the database and perform their own queries. They are presented with what is called a flat text file—hink of a Word document with no frills whatsoever. We will focus on flat text files in this chapter.

Flat text files will be sufficient for 85% of all of your data needs. Now, what do I mean by flat text file? A flat text file is a file that stores data in plain text. In other words, you can open up a text file and actually read the data with your own eyes or a screen reader. For a long while tech pundits believed—and some still do—that text data will be a thing of the past. Perhaps this may be true in the future, but plain text still persists and there are some good reasons for that. Since plain text is extremely simple it is lightweight and usually does not take up that much memory. Also, because there is no fancy embellishing of the data in a plain text file, they can be easily shared from machine to machine without concern of becoming dependent on a specific tool or software.

8.2 Actually Reading Data

Within the tidyverse there is a package called readr (pronounced read-r) which we use for reading in rectangular data from text files. I just threw the phrase rectangular data at you. It is only fair to actually describe what that means. Rectangular resembles a table and should consist of rows and columns. In more technical terms rectangular data is a two-dimensional data structure with rows and columns.

Note that rows should consist of observations and columns consist of variables.42

To get started, let us load the tidyverse which will load readr for us.

You most likely have seen and encountered flat text files in the wild in the form of a csv. It is important to know what csv stands for because it will help you understand what it actually is. it stands for comma separated values. _csv_s are a flat text data file where the data is rectangular! Each new line of the file indicates that there is a new row. Within each row, each comma indicates a new column. If you opened one up in a text editor like text edit or notepad a csv would look something like below.

column_a, column_b, column_c
10, "these are words", .432
1, "and more words", 1.11

To read a csv we use the readr::read_csv() function. read_csv() will read in the csv file and create a tibble. A tibble is type of a data structure that we will be interacting with the most throughout this book. A tibble is a rectangular data structure with rows and columns. Since a csv contains rectangular data, it is natural for it to be stored in a tibble.

Note: the syntax above is used for referencing a function from a namespace (package name). The syntax is pkgname::function(). This means the read_csv() function from the package readr. This is something you will see frequently on websites like StackOverflow.

Have a look at the arguments of read_csv() by entering ?read_csv() into the console. You will notice that there are many arguments that you can set. These are there to give you a lot of control over how R will read your data. For now, and most of the time, we do not need to be concerned about these extra arguments. All we need to do is tell R where our data file lives. If you haven’t deduced from the help page yet, we will supply only the first argument file. This argument is either a path to a file, a connection, or literal data (either a single string or a raw vector).

Note: When you see the word string, that means values inside of quotations—i.e. “this is a string”.

We will read in the dataset we will use in the next chapter. These data are stored in the file named acs_edu.csv. We can try reading this as the file path.


## Error: 'acs_edu.csv' does not exist in current working directory 
##   ('/Users/Josiah/GitHub/urban-commons-toolkit').

Oops. We’ve got red text and that is never fun. Except, this is a very important error message that, frankly, you will get a lot.

Again it says:

Error: ‘acs_edu.csv’ does not exist in current working directory

I’ve bolded two portions of this error message. Take a moment to think through what this error is telling you.

For those of you who weren’t able to figure it out or just too impatient (like myself): this error is telling us that R looked for the file we provided acs_edu.csv but it could not find it. This usually means to me that I’ve either misspelled the file name, or I have not told R to look in the appropriate folder (a.k.a. directory).

acs_edu.csv actually lives in a directory called data. To tell R—or any computer system, really—where that file is we write data/acs_edu.csv. This tells R to first enter the data directory and then look for the acs_edu.csv file.

Now, read the acs_edu.csv file!

read_csv(file = "data/acs_edu.csv") 
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> cols(
#>   med_house_income = col_double(),
#>   less_than_hs = col_double(),
#>   hs_grad = col_double(),
#>   some_coll = col_double(),
#>   bach = col_double(),
#>   white = col_double(),
#>   black = col_double()
#> )
#> # A tibble: 1,456 x 7
#>    med_house_income less_than_hs hs_grad some_coll  bach white   black
#>               <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1           105735       0.0252   0.196     0.221 0.325 0.897 0.0122 
#>  2            69625       0.0577   0.253     0.316 0.262 0.885 0.0171 
#>  3            70679       0.0936   0.173     0.273 0.267 0.733 0.0795 
#>  4            74528       0.0843   0.253     0.353 0.231 0.824 0.0306 
#>  5            52885       0.145    0.310     0.283 0.168 0.737 0.0605 
#>  6            64100       0.0946   0.294     0.317 0.192 0.966 0.00256
#>  7            37093       0.253    0.394     0.235 0.101 0.711 0.0770 
#>  8            87750       0.0768   0.187     0.185 0.272 0.759 0.0310 
#>  9            97417       0.0625   0.254     0.227 0.284 0.969 0.00710
#> 10            43384       0.207    0.362     0.262 0.124 0.460 0.105  
#> # … with 1,446 more rows

This is really good! Except, all that happened was that the function was ran. The data it imported was not saved anywhere which means we will not be able to interact with it. What we saw was the output of the data. In order to interact with the data we need to assign it to an object.

Reminder: we assign object with the assignment operator <-—i.e. new_obj <- read_csv("file-path.csv"). Objects are things that we interact with such as a tibble. Functions such as read_csv() usually, but not always, modify or create objects.

In order to interact with the data, let us store the output into a tibble object called acs.

acs <- read_csv(file = "data/acs_edu.csv") 

Notice how now there was no data printed in the console. This is a good sign! It means that R read the data and stored it properly into the acs object. When we don’t store the function results, the results are (usually) printed out. To print an object, we can just type it’s name into the console.

#> # A tibble: 1,456 x 7
#>    med_house_income less_than_hs hs_grad some_coll  bach white   black
#>               <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1           105735       0.0252   0.196     0.221 0.325 0.897 0.0122 
#>  2            69625       0.0577   0.253     0.316 0.262 0.885 0.0171 
#>  3            70679       0.0936   0.173     0.273 0.267 0.733 0.0795 
#>  4            74528       0.0843   0.253     0.353 0.231 0.824 0.0306 
#>  5            52885       0.145    0.310     0.283 0.168 0.737 0.0605 
#>  6            64100       0.0946   0.294     0.317 0.192 0.966 0.00256
#>  7            37093       0.253    0.394     0.235 0.101 0.711 0.0770 
#>  8            87750       0.0768   0.187     0.185 0.272 0.759 0.0310 
#>  9            97417       0.0625   0.254     0.227 0.284 0.969 0.00710
#> 10            43384       0.207    0.362     0.262 0.124 0.460 0.105  
#> # … with 1,446 more rows

This is sometimes a little overwhelming of a view. For previewing data, the function dplyr::glimpse() (there is the namespace notation again) is a great option. Try using the function glimpse() with the first argument being the acs object.

#> Rows: 1,456
#> Columns: 7
#> $ med_house_income <dbl> 105735, 69625, 70679, 74528, 52885, 64100, 37093, 87…
#> $ less_than_hs     <dbl> 0.02515518, 0.05773956, 0.09364548, 0.08426318, 0.14…
#> $ hs_grad          <dbl> 0.19568768, 0.25307125, 0.17332284, 0.25298192, 0.31…
#> $ some_coll        <dbl> 0.2211696, 0.3157248, 0.2726736, 0.3534052, 0.283073…
#> $ bach             <dbl> 0.32473048, 0.26167076, 0.26677159, 0.23124279, 0.16…
#> $ white            <dbl> 0.8972737, 0.8849885, 0.7328322, 0.8235779, 0.737102…
#> $ black            <dbl> 0.012213740, 0.017090069, 0.079514240, 0.030640286, …

8.3 Other common data formats

While csv files are going to be the most ubiquitous, you will invariably run into other data formats. The workflow is almost always the same. If you want to read excel files, you can use the function readxl::read_excel() from the readxl package.

acs_xl <- readxl::read_excel("data/acs_edu.xlsx")

#> Rows: 1,456
#> Columns: 7
#> $ med_house_income <dbl> 105735, 69625, 70679, 74528, 52885, 64100, 37093, 87…
#> $ less_than_hs     <dbl> 0.02515518, 0.05773956, 0.09364548, 0.08426318, 0.14…
#> $ hs_grad          <dbl> 0.19568768, 0.25307125, 0.17332284, 0.25298192, 0.31…
#> $ some_coll        <dbl> 0.2211696, 0.3157248, 0.2726736, 0.3534052, 0.283073…
#> $ bach             <dbl> 0.32473048, 0.26167076, 0.26677159, 0.23124279, 0.16…
#> $ white            <dbl> 0.8972737, 0.8849885, 0.7328322, 0.8235779, 0.737102…
#> $ black            <dbl> 0.012213740, 0.017090069, 0.079514240, 0.030640286, …

Another common format is a tsv which stands for tab separated format. readr::read_tsv() will be able to assist you here.

If for some reason there are special delimiters like |, the readr::read_delim() function will work best. For example readr::read_delim("file-path", delim = "|") would do the trick!

Additionally, another extremely common data type is json which is short for javascript object notation. json is a data type that you will usually not read directly from a text file but interact with from an API. If you do happen to encounter a json flat text file, use the jsonlite package. jsonlite::read_json().

With this new skill we are ready for our first analysis. In the next chapter we will perform our very first graphical analysis using the package ggplot2 from the tidyverse.